Take out a little time to update my blog.
If you got follow my fb status or my tweet, will notice that on 29 Sept my honey get to win
having dinner with Singapore YES933FM DJ @ Admital Bar Singapore Flyer.
We got so surprise and cant believe that we is the 1st winner :)
So on 03 Oct 2010 Sunday, I suspose want to go off early but due to some prob make my mood
very down down down....
But don't worry I angry a while my mood will go off.
So we take taxi went to singapore flyer, reach there around 6.30pm.
I feel pai seh cause the dinner timing is start on 6.30pm and we don't know the exactly the bar is
at where....poor is my honey run here an run there find the bar. I cant run cause my stomach
suddenly pain duno is it gastric or what...Fxxk.. long time no gastric liao. hope gastric dun come
back again.
Suddenly the DJ call us and ask where are we...
He told us the bar is at downstairt.
Pai Seh sia... all already sit down there and waiting us...

So we start to order our drink and take pic...

Before the food come the DJ start to record our voice when we introduce ourself.

My Favourite Lamp Chop :)
Feel bit nervous when they asking question...
Quite fun and enjoy when having dinner at there.
Suitable for couple go there having dinner cause after finish can plan go take singapore flyer....
is a romantic place.
The dinner is end around 9 something...
Before we leave, take group pic...

Will continue on next post when I free....