Thursday, February 26, 2009

what i done in this week???

sorry i late update my blog~
feel a bit lazy to update~
today i will talk about this week~


today is me and my honey lai 7mth anniversary~
happy 7mth anniverysary to my honey lai~
today as asual go work and after finish work meet my honey lai~
actually today i plan take off tml de~
but too bad, my boss say tml morning have meeting~
so i sian chi pua~
cause have to wake up early go my head branch meeting~
last week meeting ald but don't y meeting again~
so at nite i go bpp meet my honey lai~
we decide go subway ate our dinner~
cause long time no eat le~
and plus my honey lai not feeling well~
so choose to eat subway~
i like the food, very fresh and nice~
after finish our dinner~
we went to one small Japanese shop buy some food~
after a while we went to bus interchange waiting the bus~
i think we wait more half an hour, the bus still haven came~
sian man~
when we want to decide go outside take bus, the bus arrive ald~
after tat he sent me back home~


as i mention today morning have meeting 9am~
so i waiting around 7.30am~
i faster tidy up myself~
went out from the walk around 8 plus~
i take 67 all the way go kallang mrt bus stop waiting another bus~
when i reach there, i and my another colleague take 12 go my head branch~
finish meeting around 11 plus ba~
my boss send us go back our office~
and me cannot go back 1st~
you know y?
cause my boss want me follow him fix his house pc~
and i help nothing~
my boss quite nice~
he gv me stay his house (2nd house), gv me use his pc and bla bla~
he told me mayb next mths will increase my salary~
siok man~ (he also want to gv me one laptop)
i really hope he can increase my salary~
actually i got thinking want to change new job~
but i scared they dont want employ me~
around 2 plus~
i tumpang my mango back my office~
skip to talk about my work~
finish work around 8 plus~
straight away went back home, tidy up myself and prepare my things~
after tat take bus went to my honey lai stay for 2 nite~


wake up around 10 plus~
we play game, watch drama and ate our breakfast and lunch~
den my honey lai go play his soccer with his friends~
and me went to IMM my number den go far east remove my hair extension~
so nw i back to short hair style~
so after i finish remove the hair~
i go window shopping while waiting my honey lai come an meet me~
i walk until around 3 something ba~
go one restaurant ate some soup and bread~
after i finish i try to call my honey lai~
i had a bit angry cause he nvr answer my call~
we have a bit quarrel when he call me~
im sorry my honey lai~
after finish talking i take bus went to PS waiting my honey lai~
b4 i go cinema checking the movie show~
i go top-up my ez-link card~
the machine makan my money~
so i go to the counter ask the stuff~
the staff help me top up the ez-link~
after tat i went to cinema checking and they nvr show the Outlander~
so i call my honey lai and tel him~
he ask me walk to Cathay whether have the movie onot~
finally the Cathay got show this movie~
i meet my honey lai after i bought the ticket~
den we go 7 eleven buy newspaper and some drink~
b4 the movie start we buy so food to eat at cinema~
the movie finish around 9 plus~
we take bus went back home~


nth much to talk~
my honey lai sick ald~
must get well soon~

will upload picture soon~

Sunday, February 22, 2009

ate dinner with Jie Yee

yesterday morning as usual go to work~
around afternoon my honey lai pass my stuff to me~
after tat he went to PS meet his friend for gathering~
and me after work go bukit batok meet my friend (Jie Yee)~
yesterday i was late finish my work~
then i went to bus stop waiting the bus~
be i reach the bus stop~
Jie Yee sms asking me where i am~
i reply him i'm on the way going home~
but he told me that still have 3 station mrt will reach there~
i have no choice, so i walk to another bus stop waiting bus~
reach there around 7 ba~
firstly i tot we will ate dinner at restaurant~
but he say go eat mc d~
so we decide go mc d ate, since he say long time never eat~
we long time never meet le~
so chit chat a lot of things~
talk about his gf and talk about my honey lai~
when 1st he din't told me he got gf 2gether already one year~
cause i was asking him when you find a gf~
then he told me want find is straight away find a wife not f~
cause he say find a gf will waste a lot of time and money~
first tell me want find vietnam wife like tis and like that~
so i asking him izzit you ask me help your friend look for room that girl~
finally he admit that girl is his gf~
why so scared let me know you got gf~
can you believe he say his gf not pretty~
but i see her photo look quite pretty leh~
but her face look liked a malay girl~
chit chat around 8 plus he went to Jurong meet his gf~
and me take bus went back home~
at home i read newspaper, listen music and sms~
slp @ around 12am~

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our 1st Valentine

Tonite is Valentine~
and also is our 1st time celebrated valentine~
after i finish work~
as asual i go tidy up myself and my honey waiting me at my working place~
after a while~
i saw my hone honey bring the rose flower and belon gv me~
so we take bus went to orchard area one shopping mall ate our dinner~
you know lah~
tonite is valentine and also is saturday~
sure will got many ppls quene~
we went to NYDC
cafe@restaurant waiting around half an hour ba~
tonite this restaurant got promotion for valentine~
if you order this valentine menu got free one bear bear~
the bear bear quite cute lah~
but the price very pretty loh~
so below the pic is our order the food~

this chocolate ice cream is very nice~
when we waiting the food come~
we took some pic~

our couple ring~

after a while i saw one couple the guy look very sad~
1st i tot the guy must be ate some spicy food until cannot tahan~
but i see again~
the guy is not b'cos the food den cannot tahan leh~
if i not worng, i think his gf tell him want break up ba~
cause his gf like only care anything~
anyway is not my thing~
but the guy look quite sad~
dun talk about the guy le~
continue my dinner~
the food is very nice~
around 9pm we went to another shopping mall had some windows shopping~
actaully i want watch Outlander de~
but too bad all ticket sold out~
so we walk a while went back home~

reach home around 12 ba~

my honey lai take the present gv me~
i like the present so much~
cause the present got alot our memory~

after finish take pic~
we tidy up, watch movie a while and waiting he upload pic~
we went to oi oi~

Dear honey: thx for the valntine present~
i love it so much~

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine

Tomorrow is Valentine~
you all buy the present for ur love?
plan ald go where celebrated wit ur love?
i bought already~
very excited~
cause my honey lai say he handmade something for me~
and he also bought a flower to me~
yesterday i bought one pink color dress and one hand bag for myself~
i buy the dress is for Valentine de~
this is our 1st time celebrated Valentine~
i wish that we have unforgotten Valentine~

stay tune!!!

Wish all of you have a Happy Valentine days!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

nice MV song

this MV is about the weeding game movie~
if you all guys got watch this movie, you will know about this song~
i love this song very much~
is very nice to hear~


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chor 7= Ren Rin

Chor 7 is ren rin~
is office dinner~
today we close around 4pm~
b4 my manager there go off~
i rush back to lasia change clothes~
after tat rush back to office waiting my boss fetch us go clarke quey area ate dinner~
the food very nice~
i like it~
this year nvr take pic~
after finish dinner~
my lady boss drop me and my colleague at bugis area~
with my colleague go mrt station went bak to bukit batok~
after reach there~
i take bus went home~

good morning everybody~
yesterday i stop my blog when i talk about my Chor 2~
let's continue again~
still have many pic haven show you all~

still have many many pic~
lazy to upload~
if you all want to see, pls go my album take a look~
after finish take the pic~
we go beach walk walk and take pic again~
until at nite~
we go malay shop ate our dinner~
tat nite very cold~
Chor 3
wake up around 12 plus ba~
tidy up myself and all the things~
we check out den went to kuantan there walk walk~
went there buy some stuff and ate mc dat there~
after tat we from there go back to shah alam~
reach hoe around 8 something~
rest 4 a while, keep all the things~
my mum there went out ate dinner~
me and my bro waiting my fren come an fecth us go out go dinner.
we went to Asia Cafe ate dinner~
chit chat, chit chat and chit chat~
after tat we went too little genting 2 for a while~
the place very dark~
look very dangerous~
reach home around 3 plus ba~
one work tired~

Chor 4
wake up quite early cause want to go out with my fren~
actually i plan want to go kl had some walk~
but we change to go sunway because he duno how to go~
he say next year will go there~
after we reach there, we went to Friday's ate our lunch~
the price quite reasonable~
after finish our lunch~
we went to hengen-dans ate some coffee while waiting my another frens~
after one hour, i saw my fren le~
we chit chat alot of things~
she become more pretty and sexy~
after tat we go for windows shopping and duno want to go watch movie or sing k?
so we use coin to decide go where~
finally coin help us decide to go sing k~
we sng alot of love song and sad song~

she look pretty that me rite~
especially her eyes~
i like her mascara~
actually at nite i have gathering bbq with my another ji mui~
but too bad they cancel ald~
so they plan watch the weeding game at sunway~
after we finish sing k~
we went to ate our dinner~
around 9 plus~
my pretty fren had to go work~
and my another fren acomppany me and my ji mui watch the movie~
the movie got show funny, sad and love~
the movie end at 11 plus~
while waiting next movie~
we went to coco baanana see my pretty frens~
after tat we watch underworld 3~
i like this movie so much~
i want watch underworld 4~
the movie end at 1 plus~
you know wat~
when we go to the car pak cant find the car~
very funny rite~
this is my 1st time find car leh~
he press the alarm also can't find his car~
funny dao~
so we went to the top floor find the car~
finally we find the car le~
reach home at 2 plus~
Chor 5
wake up 9am~
prepare myself~
my mum send me go bus station waiting the bus~
inside the bus, u can play game and watch movie~
so good~
reach s'pore around 5 plus~
today really tired~
but is ok~
cause 6 plus i went to my honey lai school meet him~
honey, miss you so much~
Chor 6
as usual went back to work~